How to restore your In-App Bizversity subscription
When you re-install or upgrade the Bizversity app and you purchased your subscription through the app, you may need to restore your subscription. Luckily, the process for this is simple! Firstly, make sure you have updated to the latest version of the Bizversity app. Open the app and ensure you're signed into your account. Once in the app, tap Account in the bottom right. Now scroll down to Billing at the bottom of the screen and tap it. Finally, tap the Restore Purchase link. YoSome readersI can't listen to Bizversity when I have Google Maps open
Bizversity does work when you have Google Maps open getting directions to your next destination. If you are finding it isn't working for you, what you need to do is go into your Google Maps settings. Under Navigation you need to deselect 'Play voice over Bluetooth'. You should now be able to hear Bizversity even with Google Maps open.Few readersI've pressed play on a video and it isn't working
If a video won’t play on your Bizversity app, it could be a problem with your internet connection. There are a couple of things you can try: Switch your device to WiFi for a better connection If you are in an area with bad internet, try to play audio only Trying download content offline Finally, try closing your app and opening it again.Few readersWhy can't I log back in to Bizversity?
If you find yourself unable to use Bizversity, there are a couple of options for troubleshooting. Firstly, check if your internet connection is working properly. Ensure you have a stable internet connection as the app requires a strong and stable connection to work. Check if you have entered your email address correctly, check for spelling and ensure there are no traFew readersI forgot my password, how do I reset?
To reset your password, go to the Forgot Password page. Enter your email address and you'll be sent a link to reset your password. Follow the instructions in the email to log back into the Bizversity app using your new password.Few readersHow do I update my email address in Bizversity?
Here's how to update your email address in the Bizversity app. First, login with your email address. Then click on the 'Account' tab in the bottom right of the screen. Select 'My Account'. Go to ‘Edit Profile’. Tap on your Email. Update your email and then click ‘Done’ in the bottom right corner.Few readersHow do I change my display name in Bizversity?
Here's how to update your display name in the Bizversity app. First, login with your email address. Then click on the 'Account' tab in the bottom right of the screen. Select 'My Account'. Go to ‘Edit Profile’. Tap on your Name. Update your Name and then click ‘Done’ in the bottom right corner.Few readersWhy am I experiencing buffering issues when watching videos?
If your videos keep stopping and starting, this is most likely a network connection issue. The internet service you are using just isn't strong enough to keep up with Bizversity's high quality. To resolve this, try moving to a stable WiFi connection or switch to play audio only so that there is less interference. You can also try downloading content offline if you know your conFew readersHow do I change my password in Bizversity?
Here's how change your password in the Bizversity app. First, login with your email address. Then click on the 'Account' tab in the bottom right of the screen. Select 'My Account'. Go to ‘Edit Profile’. Tap on 'Change Password'. Update your password and then click ‘Done’ in the bottom right corner.Few readers